

The Drug-Free Solution To Help Quiet Your Body’s Hunger Signals And Maintain A Healthy Weight

The natural solution for lasting weight management. GLP Ignite helps you feel fuller longer, similar to Semaglutide, but without the harsh side effects. It uses a unique blend of LeptiCore and Dihydroberberine Extract to reduce food cravings and boost metabolism effortlessly.*

Icons list

LeptiCoreBerberine Extract

Regulates Blood Sugar, Supports Healthy Cholesterol, and Boosts Metabolism. Accelerates Fat Loss, Improves Lipid Profile, and Balances Leptin Levels for Appetite Control.


Berberine Extract Root (97% Berberine HCI), 500 mg
LeptiCore®, 300mg

Other Ingredients: Vegetable Capsule (cellulose, purified water)

No artificial colors, artificial flavors, milk or milk derivatives, or sodium added.

There is “Weight Management” And Then There is GLP-Ignite. Feel The Difference.

Not Taking a GPL1 Medication But Want The Results Like Those Who Are? Use GLP-Ignite.

Whether you're struggling to get your medication or are looking for a natural weight loss option, GLP-Ignite will help get you closer to your goals. While many weight loss products skimp on quantity, this product has the therapeutic dosages with clean ingredients to make a difference.

The Woven Promise

Clinical Strength Dosing

No Prescription Required

3rd Party Verified

100% Drug Free

Weight Loss Is Out Of Reach For Most Until This Imbalance Is Fixed...

The real reason most diets fail isn't just from snacking or lack of exercise...

The root of the problem is much simpler than that…

Natural hormonal imbalance.

It really boils down to how your body deals with hunger and energy, and that's controlled by a hormone called GLP-1. 

Your body makes GLP-1 naturally, but things like processed foods, stress, and a bunch of other factors can mess with your production levels.

Without GLP-1, you’re essentially fighting against your own body, which is why losing weight feels like a battle you can’t win.

Start winning again with GLP-Ignite.