
5 Magnesium Benefits For the Brain

There’s something magical about magnesium, particularly when it comes to brain health! This essential mineral plays a critical role in nearly every one of your biological processes. Yet, many people are deficient in magnesium, and can suffer because of it. Protect and boost your brain with the help of a magnesium supplement! Here are 5 magnesium benefits for the brain:

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Your Guide to Setting SMART Weight Loss Goals

Losing weight requires more than just showing up to the gym every so often. A specific plan of action is necessary to achieve the results you’re looking for. When it comes to your individual weight loss goals, think SMART! By setting these SMART goals, you’ll have both the long-term vision and the short-term motivation you need to get over those weight loss hurdles! To help you on your weight loss journey, we’ve put together this guide to setting SMART weight loss goals:

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6 Tips for Digestive Health

An angry stomach is no fun for anyone. Digestive symptoms like an upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation, gas, heartburn and nausea can put a real damper on your day. We all experience this from time to time, but repeated digestive concerns can heavily impact your daily life. The good news is there are a handful of ways to naturally improve your digestive health and receive some relief! Here are 6 tips for digestive health:

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